Where have all the unions gone?*

Posted: 29 January 2011 in Uncategorized
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In 2010, the union membership rate—the percent of wage and salary workers who were members of a union—was 11.9 percent, down from 12.3 percent a year earlier; the number of wage and salary workers belonging to unions declined by 612,000 to 14.7 million. In 1983, the first year for which comparable union data are available, the union membership rate was 20.1 percent, and there were 17.7 million union workers.

*Apologies to Peter, Paul & Mary.

  1. Fred says:

    Apologies to Peter, Paul & Mary?

    Perhaps you mean Pete Seeger, who actually wrote the song “Where have all the flowers gone?”.

    But as a longtime pro-union activist, Seeger would probably require no apology.

    — fp

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