Genesis of subsidies

Posted: 11 August 2011 in Uncategorized
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Many communities subsidize ballparks and other sporting facilities, which of course never live up to the claims about generating new economic activity.

In Kentucky, they’ve decided to offer subsidies for a new creationist amusement park.

The multiple tax breaks for the amusement park come at a time when Kentucky families are struggling from eight rounds of state budget cuts over the past three years. That includes cuts to education at all levels, a pay freeze for all teachers and state workers, and reduced funding for Medicaid.

The state already has a Creationism Museum, and the complementary amusement park includes biblical exhibits like the Tower of Babel and a full-size replica of Noah’s Ark…complete with dinosaurs inside (which creationists believe co-existed with early man). It’s slated to open in the spring of 2014.

Is this subsidizing the creation of jobs two by two? Will Kentucky also give tax breaks for the creation of a rainbow? With mountaintop removal, it will be easier now to let the waters rise above the highest peaks by 15 cubits.

OK, I’ll stop. . .

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